måndag 16 maj 2011

Anarchist Internet Marketing, Part 2

Alright so let's continue straight from where we left off last time.

Drumroll anyone?

Thirty, yes THIRTY percent of all earnings will go straight to charity!

"But didn't you just say you hate charity?"

Yes, I do, because I don't trust them. Sweden is a limited country. Which is why I am going to use Squidoo and YOU to find GOOD charities.
No not some cancer fund or such. But people funds. Funds that help people all over the world to establish a life. Because if they have the money and the will, they can form a society and life which they control!

Thirty percent to charity, that can be a lot as the earnings pour in. Note that it doesn't necessarily have to be a charity fund, it can be anything that supports a cause you believe in! Is there a marijuana legalization organization in your area/country? Support them! (If you support it, that is). Support the cause you believe will turn the world into a free world, a better world!

Paying for government services when you can afford individual services with higher quality?

Don't let the government take your money. Spend a few extra bucks on getting high-quality services. This depends on the country you live in but general things such as dentists, medical clinics and such. For example here in Sweden most are owned by the government, but there are individually owned clinics who provide much higher quality on their services. Do some research on the basic services, who knows you might even be able to help them get more customers and earn you more money!
Note that if you feel that services provided by the government in your country are better than individually owned ones, then go for it! It all comes down to what makes you live a good life with your share!

Support both a new, friendly philosophy in Internet Marketing and a new brand!

If people turn out to be interested in this and are ready to give up some of their earnings, we might just create a whole new era of Internet Marketers! A brand that shows that YOU care for both yourself, but also for a better world!

"These kind of crappy "brands" exist all over, why would we care?"
Because we are a brand of Internet Marketing. We're taking it to the next level! A new era!

Now I can't do this alone, but I am going to the next level, the next era. Are you coming with me?

Ben Majer

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