måndag 16 maj 2011

Anarchist Internet Marketing, Part 1

Note: You will most likely disagree with the "anarchy" of this, but it's a striking and unique name isn't it?

First of all you need to understand that this is more of a philosophy than a method of Internet Marketing. What this is all about is by pulling money from people interested in products and such, you get the companies money. Now this doesn't sound very anarchist does it? This is of course a benefit and it's the standard procedure of Internet Marketing. But the next step is giving money to the people. While some would say this is "Charity", I do not. Investing earned money into a way that helps the people rather than the state or a charity fund that takes 50% of the money in the pocket (Which a lot of funds do).

While the Anarchist Internet Marketing is a fully new idea which is still being worked on, the basic is that by getting money, you have to give.

You've all seen it. There are literally THOUSANDS of sites selling e-books, tools and other products that promise you that you can earn without hassle just by buying their product. The only thing you do by buying those products are supporting their greed.

70% of those books are complete rewrites of already written e-books that were sold long ago, which is one of the reason to why they don't even help any longer as the methods in them are outdated. 10% are complete rips with only a changed title.

But how do you research an e-book sold by a private publisher? Basically, you can't. You can search around on various of money making forums for any reviews of the book, but chances are no one has even mentioned it.

Internet Marketing changes everyday.

Google, Adbrite, CPALead
These are three companies offering various of advertising work for people. Three of all the hundreds out there.
All these companies, affiliate networks, their only wish is to fill THEIR pockets. And why wouldn't it be? We all want money. We're all greedy!

Don't deny your own greed.

We're all greedy, we all want money. I want money! Without money we can't buy the life we want. Because let's face it, without money, no dream life.

When it comes to Internet Marketing, it's simple. It takes time, dedication and hard work but the amounts you can earn are more rewarding than a 9-5 job. At a 9-5 job you have a set paycheck. As a Internet Marketer, only you set the limit.

Some people earn daily several thousands of dollars, what do they give back? N.O.T.H.I.N.G

I am a person who hates charity. Charity funds often take a lot of money in their own pockets. One good example is the Red Cross. Their former president Johan af Donner was caught stealing from not only the Red Cross but also from the Cancer Fund (Swedish cancer fund) while he worked there. Note that it's not the funds fault but rather that people are greedy! The amounts he stole were huge. He was caught yes but this makes you think. How many within the different funds steal money? It's quite easy for them to do and people believe blindly in charity funds.

Now while we all want to do good, it doesn't necessarily mean it always goes right. Anarchy is about creating a fair living, a society which is not controlled by the government but rather by the people. The closest we can come to that in this world, is donating to the right charity funds.

Which is why the first official step of Anarchist Internet Marketing will be..

Continued on the next post...(Ain't I a tease?)

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